Soft labeling of Communist dictators has been a historical problem for the New York Times. Mark Landler and David Sanger
described the late South Korea president Park Chung-Hee as a ...
Propaganda for the late
left-wing strongman of Venezuela Hugo Chavez keeps popping up in strange places in the New York Times. Reporter Frances Robles took a trip down leftist memory lane with ...
Dictatorship and double standards invade the New York Times
once again. Check the headline over Dennis Lim's Sunday Arts &
Leisure profileof the director of "Barbara," set in Communist ...
Dictatorship and double standards invade the New York Times
once again. The Times also ran this jaw-dropping headline over a 2008 book review: "East Germany Had Its Charms, Crushed by ...
Each morning, the Media Research Center is showcasing the most egregious
bias we have uncovered over the years. Today, the worst of 1990. Highlights include: Time
magazine saluting Mikhail ...
Every day for the next few weeks, the MRC is showcasing the most
egregious bias the we have uncovered over the years —
four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all ...
On Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, after recounting some of the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Cuban government against its citizens, host Harris-Perry praised the efforts ...
What will the feminists think? Magazine contributor Francisco Goldman yearns for "Camila Vallejo, the 23-year-old president of the University of
Chile student federation (FECH), a Botticelli ...
The New York Times coverage of the Pope Benedict XVI's trip to the dictatorship
of Cuba has a strange, cheap-shot emphasis on how Cuban crowds are coerced to
attend such rallies, an ...