
Media Research Center

WashPost's Henderson Sees 'Raucous' GOP 'Freelance Artists' Playing to 'Overwhelmingly White' Districts

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, after host Al Sharpton complained that House Speaker John Boehner's refusal to condemn birtherism feeds an inability to compromise with President Obama, ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Laughs at House GOP for Threatening Shutdown Over ObamaCare

CNN's Carol Costello blamed Congress for Friday's jobs report and laughed at House Republicans who will shut down the government if necessary to defund ObamaCare. In a Facebook post, Costello ...
Media Research Center

ABC Spins Obama's 'Grand Bargin': Why Would GOP 'Reject a Tax Cut for Corporations?'

Although most of the evening newscasts on Tuesday and morning shows on Wednesday ignored Barack Obama's plan for a "grand bargain," ABC's Good Morning America covered the latest budget move and ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Sees Republicans 'Really Embrac[ing] Not Caring About the Poor'

On Thursday's All In show, as Chris Hayes complained about the vote by House Republicans to separate the food stamp program from the farm bill, the MSNBC host accused GOPers of taking the action ...
Media Research Center

CBS: GOP Faces 'Demographic Death Spiral' If They Oppose Immigration Reform

Norah O'Donnell and Anthony Mason badgered National Review editor Rich Lowry on Wednesday's CBS This Morning over his opposition to the Senate's immigration reform bill. O'Donnell, who has a ...
Media Research Center

Margaret Carlson: GOP Against 'Giving Dignity to Immigrants'

Appearing on Friday's Political Capital show on Bloomberg News, Bloomberg View columnist Margaret Carlson -- formerly of CNN and Time magazine -- charged that Republicans are opposed to "giving ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Frets Congress Not 'Mature Enough' to Revamp Voting Rights Act

Appearing on MSNBC moments after the Supreme Court handed down its decision on the Voting Rights Act, NBC News chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd wrung his hands over the prospect of ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Sees 'Misogyny' and 'Villainous Rhetoric' in Abortion Opponents

On Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, host Harris-Perry called the rhetoric from abortion opponents "villainous" as she fretted over Tennessee Republican Representative Marsha Blackburn being a ...
Media Research Center

CBS Promotes Politico's 'Dysfunctional' Jab of Congress for Rejecting Farm Bill

Norah O'Donnell boosted Politico's slam of the Republican-led House of Representatives on Friday's CBS This Morning, after the body voted down a proposed farm bill. The anchor made the attack in a ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Ballyhoo 'Military-Style Surge' Proposal in Immigration Bill

Thursday's CBS Evening News all but hinted that the border security measures included in a new compromise attached to the immigration reform bill in Congress was overkill. Scott Pelley emphasized, ...
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