
MSNBC Praises Obama's 'Soaring' Speech, Calling on 'Wealthiest Americans to Pay Their Way'

On his 3PM ET hour show on MSNBC on Wednesday, host Martin Bashir enthusiastically reacted to President Obama's budget speech: "'We will invest in the future of America,' that's what President ...

NBC's Lauer to Bachmann: 'Shouldn't We Put Some of the Burden on the Wealthy?'

Interviewing Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pushed for tax increases in the 2012 budget: "...the President's expected to call for raising ...

Meet the Press Panel: Obama 'Above the Fray' in Budget Fight

During the panel discussion on Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, host David Gregory gushed over President Obama's Friday night address to the nation on the budget deal: "The message was clear. Here ...

CNN Frets Over 'Crime' of Gov't Shutdown's Impact on Washington Museums, National Parks

Along with other institutions and people who will be impacted by a government shutdown, CNN spotlighted, throughout the day Thursday, the "grave" plight of museums and parks that may be forced to ...

NBC's Gregory Asks Rep. Hoyer About Dem Strategy to 'Cast Republicans as Extremists'

In an interview with Democratic Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer on NBC's Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory, filling in for Matt Lauer, asked: "I wonder, as a Democratic leader, whether ...

Times Hits the Natural Park Trail for Sob Stories on Looming Government Shutdown

Motoko Rich indulges in government-shutdown cliches: "Among the people anxiously waiting to hear if Congress can reach a budget deal are front desk clerks at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite ...

Video: Media Fawned Over 'Grown Up,' 'Adult' Obama vs. 'Childish' Tea Party

Prior to this week, President Obama had been so detached from the budget debate that some in his own party have openly criticized him for failing to lead. Yet when the President parachuted into ...

Chuck Schumer Thrilled by Matt Lauer's Tea Party Bashing

In a softball interview with New York Senator Chuck Schumer on NBC's Today on Wednesday, co-host Matt Lauer recited Democratic talking points on the budget fight perfectly: "[For] the Tea Party ...

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Plays Race Card on Budget and Libya

Covering the budget debate on Capitol Hill and the conflict in Libya, Andrea Mitchell spun two serious policy issues as examples of race-baiting.

NBC: Doesn't Economic Recovery 'Throw a Monkey Wrench' Into GOP Argument Against Obama Spending?

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Meredith Vieira grilled Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on GOP criticism of the massive spending of the Obama administration: "...sixth ...
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