While both NBC's Today and CBS This Morning on
Thursday highlighted Republicans and Democrats in Congress taking
President Obama to task for failing to have a strategy to combat the
ISIS ...
Carol Costello badgered Congressman Matt Salmon on Thursday's CNN Newsroom over Congress choosing to go into recess instead of dealing with issues like illegal immigration: "Congress is again the ...
ABC's World News stood out as the sole Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to not cover the release of Lois Lerner's e-mails, where the former top IRS official slammed conservatives as ...
On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams made a
sexually suggestive remark accusing politicians in Washington of
essentially screwing over the American public, citing last year's ...
On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie attempted to
link House Republican opposition to Democrat-backed immigration reform
legislation to the current border crisis: "There's also ...
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan all but lobbied Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine to support President Obama's multi-billion dollar request to deal with the ongoing illegal immigration ...
CBS lifted its blackout of House Speaker John Boehner's planned lawsuit against the Obama White House with a 15-second news brief on Thursday's CBS This Morning. The network follows in the ...
Wednesday's CBS Evening News ignored House Speaker John Boehner's announcement that he will file a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its use of executive orders. The evening newscast ...
After ten days of ignoring the June13 revelation that the IRS
mysteriously lost two years worth of Lois Lerner's emails related to the
scandal plaguing the agency, Tuesday's network morning ...