
CNN Business Reporter Says Minimum Wage 'Simply Not Fair'

'American Morning's' Ali Velshi pushes liberal talking points on minimum wage.

GOP Congress All About "Purging Democrats and Hobbling Government"

Reporter Carl Hulse signs on to Democratic venting about the "stifling," dissent-squelching Republican Congress.

When Should Information Not Be Free?

'Open access' plan in Congress would create another governmental boondoggle.

Econ 101: Who Benefits from Boost in Student Grants?

'Round and 'round the taxpayer money goes ... and where it stops, nobody knows. Oh, and tuition will go up, too.

Mum's the Word on Radical Democrat Social Agenda

Media avoid awakening traditional values voters by ignoring Democrat plans.

Sowing Doubt About Voting Machines After a GOP Win in Florida

Lead sentence: "A Republican House candidate was named the winner on Monday in a disputed race in Sarasota where thousands of votes may have been lost by electronic machines..."

"Staunch Conservative" John Murtha?

More misleading labeling on anti-war hero Rep. Murtha by reporter Carl Hulse.

Calling Pelosi, Rangel, and Conyers Liberal an "Incendiary" Accusation

Fresh after suggesting racism was to blame for Harold Ford Jr.'s loss in his Tennessee Senate race, hypersensitive reporter Adam Nossiter chides GOP for calling liberal Democrats liberal.

MacFarquhar Defends Controversial New Congressman from "Muslim-Bashers"

MacFarquhar dismisses Keith Ellison's past ties to the Nation of Islam and the anti-Semite Lewis Farrakhan, says Ellison is being "attacked on religious grounds."

Democrats Now Have a "Mandate" - But 1994 GOP Didn't?

Adam Nagourney: "The Democratic Party can clearly claim a mandate."
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