
Bugged by Gold: Price Climb Vindicates Conservatives, Confounds Liberals

Dramatic spike in gold value flies belies liberal conspiracy theories about collusion between conservative media, gold companies

By 20-to-1, Nets Apply Ideological Labels to Republicans Over Democratic Presidential Candidates

MRC Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Pile on 62 Conservative Labels This Year, vs. a Mere 3 Liberal Tags in 2007

George Soros: Media Mogul

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

WaPo Slams Bachmann Yet Again

Hit piece portrays Michele and Marcus Bachmann as radical anti-gay crusaders, religious zealots.

NPR: The PR Doesnt Stand for Public Relations

Latest gotcha moment shows public media elite, liberal like conservatives have always claimed.

Health Care Cost Estimates Challenged, But Media Skip Criticism of 'Non-Partisan' Agency

Congressional Budget Office figures challenged only 16 percent of the time, despite former CBO director's claims of 'Garbage In, Garbage Out' accounting.

The Top 10 Economic Myths of 2010

Journalists' tall tales included praising GM for 'keeping faith' with taxpayers, comparing soda to cocaine, and attacking the Chamber of Commerce over baseless 'foreign money' claims.

CBS 'Early Show' Claims 'New Scrutiny' for Virginia Thomas Over Conservative Activism

In the wake of Virginia Thomas requesting an apology from Anita Hill, on Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Chris Wragge used the story to raise questions about Thomas's political ...

Obama the Tax Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale

Despite Obama's tax hikes and campaign against 'tax cuts' for the wealthy, broadcast evening news shows portray president as taxcutters' champion.
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