
Media Research Center

Gail Collins, the NYT's La-La-La Liberal: 'Really, I Have My Hands Over My Ears. Not Listening.'

Wait, aren't conservatives supposed to be the close-minded, ideologically intolerant ones? New York Times columnist Gail Collins: "I can’t believe this might be overturned. How can this law not ...
Media Research Center

WashPost Defends ObamaCare's Constitutionality; But In 1995, Paper Cautioned Congress to 'Demonstrate Some Modesty' On Commerce Clause

It was as predictable as the sun rising in the east, but today the Washington Post defended as constitutional ObamaCare's individual mandate. The mandate is defended by the administration ...
Media Research Center

Coburn Brushes Off Charlie Rose's Citation of Pseudo-Conservative Brooks

Charlie Rose boosted New York Times's staff "conservative" David Brooks for his endorsement of the individual mandate on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, but Senator Tom Coburn was having none of it. ...
Media Research Center

CNN Legal Analyst Whacks Conservative Case Against ObamaCare Mandate as 'Really Weak'

One week before the Supreme Court hears arguments on Obamacare, CNN's legal analyst has already come down against the conservative side as "really weak." Jeffrey Toobin gave the legal ...

NYT Says 'Old' Constitution Outdated for Failing to Guarantee 'Entitlements' Like Health Care

New York Times Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak conflates constitutional rights with entitlements: "But the Constitution is out of step with the rest of the world in failing to protect, at least ...

'Terse, Old' Constitution Outdated for Failing to Guarantee 'Entitlements' Like Health Care

Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak conflates constitutional rights with entitlements: "But the Constitution is out of step with the rest of the world in failing to protect, at least in so many ...

CNN Analysts Want Constitution Modernized; Bash Second Amendment Wording, Electoral College

Continuing his push to "modernize the Constitution for the 21st century" by talking about "a few revisions," CNN's Fareed Zakaria hosted legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin for a liberal gripe session on ...

Tea Party Legislators Bring Congress to a Boil

Media want to turn right into another two years of wrongs.

Wash Post's Ezra Klein Laments 'Confusing' Nature of Old Constitution

The Washington Post's Ezra Klein appeared on MSNBC's Daily Rundown, Thursday, to mock the incoming Republicans for their stated fixation on the Constitution, asserting that the document is rather ...

Reagan's Specter Vision

Arlen Specter shouldn't be sitting in judgment of great judges like Bork, Roberts and Alito. With his history of liberalism and betrayal of Republicans, the GOP shouldn't have rewarded him with ...
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