Hosting two far-left activists, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux teed them up with "controversial" quotes from Republican presidential hopefuls that she said "people found quite offensive and strange."
Times reporter Susan Saulny: "And while his casual style of racially inflected humor works to ingratiate him with mostly white audiences at campaign rallies, it has angered some black critics, who ...
New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter marked the 15th anniversary of Fox News by accusing host Sean Hannity of "instigating" "inflammatory rhetoric," yet was silent on harsh things actually ...
Times media reporter Brian Stelter marked the 15th anniversary of Fox News by accusing host Sean Hannity of "instigating" "inflammatory rhetoric," yet was silent on harsh things actually said by ...
To answer Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's claim that racism is not a big factor in African-American unemployment, CNN brought on radical left-wing activists Professor Cornel West ...
While President Obama has been hit by black leftists for failing to help unemployed African-Americans, CNN anchor Carol Costello offered an impassioned defense of the president Friday morning, ...