
Media Research Center

Networks Silent about ‘Green’ Nature of Kitzhaber Corruption Scandal

ABC, CBS, NBC fail journalism 101 in coverage of Oregon governor’s ‘shocking fall from grace.’
Media Research Center

Chevron Attacker Still the Hero in Rolling Stone Hit Job

Liberal ‘journalist’ glosses over ghostwritten scientific reports, court rulings, RICO case and bribery to blast oil company.
Media Research Center

Vanity Fair Used Polluted Journalism Against Chevron in Ecuador Story

Magazine reporter worked with eco-lawyer to help spin facts.
Media Research Center

Talking Points

Media Research Center

ABC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS All Skip Political ID for 'Shocking' Corruption By Democratic Mayor

ABC, CNN, MSNBC and PBS on Wednesday and Thursday all covered the "shocking" corruption involving the Democratic mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina. Yet, while talking about the tens of thousands ...
Media Research Center

‘The Mentalist’ Relies on Misleading Anti-Fracking Propaganda

CBS crime drama revolves around corrupt natural gas company, uses gimmick of flammable water.
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Big Win for Chevron in Court

U.S. court calls Ecuador ruling ‘fraud,’ obtained ‘by corrupt means.’
Media Research Center

Motor City Madness: Networks Tell Upbeat Story as Detroit Goes Bankrupt

Viewers watching ABC, CBS and NBC over the past year would have seen six times as many upbeat stories about the Motor City economy and recovery, vs. negative stories about the looming fiscal crisis.

Book Review: 'Climate of Corruption' Digs Deep Into Climate Change Agenda, Finds 'Big Lie'

Unlike the network news media that have campaigned against global warming for years, new book details the politicization of climate science.

Facing Facts: Government is Still Less Efficient, More Incompetent Than the Private Sector

1984 Grace Commission found excess overhead, employment by government; today is no different as waste, corruption and fecklessness abound.
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