
'World News' Claims 'Free Market Didn't Work' in Bear Stearns Collapse

ABC correspondent Terry Moran ignores lost jobs and money lost by shareholders in assessment the free market didn't work, 'government did.'

Oops - CNBC's Cramer Said 'Don't Move' From Bear a Week Before Collapse

'Mad Money' host drastically underestimated the investment bank's trouble surrounding the mortgage crisis.

'Today' Sends Mixed Signals on Markets

NBC co-host makes Great Depression comparison while CNBC contributors caution against panic.

A Tale of Two Cramers: CNBC Host Does Complete Reversal on Market Outlook

'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer predicts financial stocks will make 'a fortune' and there will be a 'housing shortage a year from now.'

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007

Compiled by the Business and Media Institute

Twenty Years After Black Monday: Similar and Very Different

Media hoped for the best, but warned about the worst on Oct. 19, 1987. Now, it's mostly the latter.

CBS Sounds Stock-Market Crash Alarm

'Evening News' uses faulty comparisons to suggest the possibility of a Black Monday-like crash.

Time Magazine Blames Lenders, Makes Case for More Mortgage Regulations

Time suggests home buyers are lured in by mortgage lenders and home builders, but ignores borrowers' personal responsibility.

Stock Markets and Credit 'Crunch': Free-Market Experts Speak Out

Free-market economists and financial advisors talked to BMI about markets, mortgages and the Federal Reserve.

CBS Calls 3-Percent Market Drop 'Disastrous'

Cooler heads prevail on ABC and NBC, but NY Times joins in with concerns about 'recession.'
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