3/18/2008 12:41 PM ET
ABC correspondent Terry Moran ignores lost jobs and money lost by shareholders in assessment the free market didn't work, 'government did.'
3/17/2008 2:19 PM ET
'Mad Money' host drastically underestimated the investment bank's trouble surrounding the mortgage crisis.
3/17/2008 10:17 AM ET
NBC co-host makes Great Depression comparison while CNBC contributors caution against panic.
1/31/2008 5:40 PM ET
'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer predicts financial stocks will make 'a fortune' and there will be a 'housing shortage a year from now.'
12/6/2007 6:21 PM ET
Compiled by the Business and Media Institute
10/19/2007 5:07 PM ET
Media hoped for the best, but warned about the worst on Oct. 19, 1987. Now, it's mostly the latter.
10/15/2007 5:14 PM ET
'Evening News' uses faulty comparisons to suggest the possibility of a Black Monday-like crash.
8/21/2007 3:01 PM ET
Time suggests home buyers are lured in by mortgage lenders and home builders, but ignores borrowers' personal responsibility.
8/15/2007 3:39 PM ET
Free-market economists and financial advisors talked to BMI about markets, mortgages and the Federal Reserve.
2/28/2007 6:59 PM ET
Cooler heads prevail on ABC and NBC, but NY Times joins in with concerns about 'recession.'