
Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Expelled Critics: The Origin of Specious

Many movie reviewers are offended by Ben Stein exposing the connection between Darwinism and the Nazis. They should do their homework.

TV Critics Smear "Scary" Bible Belt

Worldnetdaily Column: CMI's Robert Knight and Kristen Fyfe blast reviews of HBO documentary about evangelical Christianity

TV's Pre-Emptive War Against Iraq "Surge"

Before Iraq Plan Unveiled, Reporters Said It Was Unpopular, Wouldn't Work & War Was "Lost Cause"

TV's Serial Killer Chic

Trade Secrets

Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market

Porn-Rap Degrades Women

The Michael Moore Test

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