6/19/2014 9:27 AM ET
More than 60 percent of outside experts in ABC, CBS and NBC reports argue in favor of school lunch requirements.
11/13/2013 3:42 PM ET
Networks ignore CSPI’s 1980s promotion of trans fats that led to widespread usage.
10/22/2013 1:37 PM ET
‘Soda companies are using you’ food alarmists warn Katy
Perry in ad.
3/13/2013 2:27 PM ET
“Large sugary drinks” got a reprieve this week after a judge struck down New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on drinks above a certain size and in only some dining establishments. But ...
3/11/2013 12:01 PM ET
Two mothers/food bloggers bash Kraft Mac and Cheese with ABC,
NBC help.
1/18/2013 12:22 PM ET
Network website runs CSPI report including accusation and calls for regulation.
11/16/2012 4:30 PM ET
NBC airs
hit segment on fruit flavors in yogurt, cereal, and other breakfast foods as
10/16/2012 3:41 PM ET
Lefty group
CPSI launches new ad campaign parodying Coke bears just before CDC shows sugary
soda use declines.
11/10/2010 11:11 PM ET
Under guise of anti-obesity crusade, liberal media ask if soda is 'killing us,' compare it to cocaine and condemn fast food companies for ads.
8/13/2010 1:48 PM ET
USA Today cites data on 'each kid who buys a kids meal' when parents are usually making the purchase.