
The Picture of Hype

Networks show exaggerated video of highest gas prices, hyping daily increases but glossing over the recent steady decline.

A Flood of Incomplete Insurance Coverage

As the media point out that hurricane victims insurance coverage is lacking, news coverage also lacks some key points.

Post Calls Left-Wing Organization a Consumer Group

Latest story part of a trend with newspaper to depict leftist associations as neutral.

ABC Reporter Portrays Union as Victim, Delphi as Villain

Reynolds ignored Delphis $76-an-hour wages and $400-million per year spent on laid-off workers.

143 Million Cheeseburgers Short of Paradise

ABC misstated goal for weight loss by supersized amount.

Networks Dump Coal on Wal-Marts Christmas

Morning shows ignore the union-based assault at the core of companys troubles.

Economic Growth Report Gets a Few Paragraphs

Papers call strong GDP weaker than expected, hide news in briefs.

Boo-Hoo Economics

With the medias steady stream of tears for a strong economy, its no wonder so many Americans think were in a recession.
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