
Logo Shows Freedom is Foundation for a Free Market

Logo Shows Freedom is Foundation for a Free Market

Tax & Spin

Five Ways the Media Distort Tax Issues

A Million-Year El Nio?

New York Times Selective in Article on Climate Studies

ABCs Mercury Straw Man

World News Tonight gives exposure to environmental group, even as story discredits Robert Kennedys claims.

ABC Reports: Breakfast is Controversial

New ads for kids cereals are the latest target in the anti-free market obesity war.

Times Brings Balance to Outsourcing Coverage

The insourcing side of the story shows how imported auto industry plants bring 60,000 jobs to U.S.

$7 Billion, But Whos Counting?

Media harp on PBS political controversy but ignore massive government funding of public broadcasting.

CNNs Henry Misrepresents Personal Accounts Polls

Claims public doesnt support private accounts, but facts show otherwise.

Post Spins History to Attack Business

Reparations story calls slavery a crime and fails to remind readers that it really wasnt.

30 Days of Supersized Guilt

Morgan Spurlock shows how difficult it is to pretend to be poor.
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