
Calls to 'Rein in the Federal Government' Are 'Not Very Rational,' Al Hunt Declares on ABC

"The side that talks about the need to rein in the federal government" is "not very rational," yet "is winning" the debate over whether to pass another "stimulus" bill, Al Hunt regretted on ...

Moran and Brownstein Take Swipes at Limbaugh's Health System 'Just Dandy'

On Sunday's This Week, fill-in host Terry Moran, along with Ron Brownstein and Cynthia Tucker, took swipes at Rush Limbaugh for his contention that his good experience at a Honolulu hospital ...

Matthews: Can Obama Lead Cheney, Rove and Neo-Cons 'Out of the Valley of Evil?'

Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, cast Barack Obama in the role of savior of the neo-cons as he pondered if the President's Nobel Peace Prize speech could, "Lead those neo-cons...out of the ...

Tucker on ABC: Palin 'Nixon Without the Policy Knowledge or the Experience'

Sarah Palin hasn't had it as tough as Hillary Clinton and at her Friday announcement Palin "came across as petty and vindictive. Richard Nixon without the policy knowledge or the experience," ...

ABC's Shipman: Sotomayor Is No 'Elite Liberal Judicial Philosopher'

On Sunday's This Week, ABC correspondent Claire Shipman claimed it would be "very hard"" for Republicans to label Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a liberal. That was too much even for ...
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