The Daily Rundown

Media Research Center

MSNBC Goofs: 'Pro-Communist,' 'Right-Wing Radicals' Assault U.S. 'Soldiers' in Turkey

On Thursday's Daily Rundown on MSNBC, Jim Miklaszewski misidentified the political ideology of the protesters that attacked three American sailors in Istanbul, Turkey. Miklaszewski reported that ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Slams GOP Over 'Irresponsible' 'Politics of Fear' on Ebola

After citing numerous Republicans on the campaign trail criticizing the Obama administration's handling of the ebola crisis, on Thursday, MSNBC Daily Rundown host Craig Melvin condemned such ...
Media Research Center

WashPost Reporter Slams WH Claims Advance Team Staffer Wasn’t Involved in Prostitution Scandal

Appearing on Friday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown, the reporter with The Washington Post who broke the story that White House officials knew that advance team member Jonathan Dach had a ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: Women Reject GOP 'Crazy White Guys' With 'Crazy Theories' About Contraception

In an interview with Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown on Thursday, host and incoming Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd proposed a cause for the ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd 'Going to Bring Back Heart, Good Taste, Fairness' to 'Meet the Press'

Appearing at the end of MSNBC's The Daily Rundown on Tuesday, NBC News NASA correspondent Jay Barbree wished host Chuck Todd good luck in becoming moderator of Meet the Press, hailing the ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Mocks IRS Scandal: ‘Are There Any Actual Real Victims?’

Chuck Todd, NBC’s Political Director, Chief White House Correspondent, and host of The Daily Rundown on MSNBC did his best to deflect from the IRS scandal by wondering if “there are ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: VA Scandal More 'Dangerous' for Obama Than 'Partisanized Benghazi'

Chuck Todd, NBC News Chief White House correspondent, political director, and host of The Daily Rundown on MSNBC is at it again doing his best to dismiss the investigation into the terrorist ...
Media Research Center

Harry Reid Slams 'Tit for Tat' Media: Press Should Just Blame GOP for Washington Dysfunction

During an interview with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, NBC political director Chuck Todd challenged Reid's suggestion that Republicans were ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Uses Low CPAC Panel Attendance to Claim GOP Doesn't Care About Minorities

On MSNBC's Daily Rundown on Friday, NBC political director and host Chuck Todd used low attendance at a Conservative Political Action Conference panel discussion to take a cheap shot at ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Laments House GOP Having 'All White Men' as Committee Chairs

Taking a gratuitous shot at Republicans at the end of his Wednesday MSNBC show, The Daily Rundown, NBC political director Chuck Todd insisted on making this declaration: "By the way, though, all ...
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