On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, host Chuck Todd was eager to declare the ObamaCare disaster to be over and claim Republicans were now of the defensive: "With
750,000 visitors to the site ...
At the start of an interview with Senator Bob Corker on Thursday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, host Chuck Todd demanded the Tennessee Republican justify criticism of President Obama's poor handling of ...
On Wednesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, minutes after President
Obama denied setting a "red line" on Syria's use of chemical weapons,
chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd excused the obvious ...
On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, NBC senior political editor
Mark Murray dismissed the notion that if Democrat Terry McAuliffe lost
the closely contested Virginia governor's race, it would ...
On Thursday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, host Chuck Todd laid blame
for Republicans not speaking at Wednesday's anniversary of the 1963
march on Washington on the GOP, rather than event organizers: ...
On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, host Chuck Todd invited
liberal historian Taylor Branch to blast modern-day conservatism as
nothing more than racism in disguise: "You talked about how ...
In a desperate attempt to dismiss the ongoing IRS scandal, on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown
on Tuesday, host and NBC News political director Chuck Todd seized on
reports "that it wasn't just ...
Reporting the breaking news on Wednesday's NBC Today that
President Obama had named U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to be national
security advisor, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ...
Picking up on a Saturday front page New York Times story
on how the Obama campaign is selling access to the White House through
its newly formed Organizing for Action group, a revelation ...
After dismissing the argument that President Obama was to blame for the sequester as "dumb" on Thursday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, NBC political director Chuck Todd further mocked the notion on ...