
ABC: Obama 'Unaware of Tea Parties'

White House out of touch with 'cultural phenomenon' of tax day protests.

ABC Asks: Is Bad News the New Porn?

Some people are becoming addicted to bad economic news and ABC should share some of the blame.

ABC: Cutting Food Costs Can Lead to Obesity

'World News' says receding economy can cause expanding waistlines.

ABC Worries Economy Could Slim Government

'World News' laments Rhode Island's budget cuts, fails to show how tax policy, spending could be improved.

CNN Joins the Choir Touting Obama Outreach to Evangelicals

No mention on American Morning that the religious leaders flocking to Obama are far from the evangelical mainstream.

Life Savers vs. Gun Nuts

Nets react sourly to the Supreme Court decision finding that individual Americans have the right to keep and bear firearms.

ABC Keeps Flacking Obama's Outreach to Evangelicals

Good Morning America hosts follow up the Obama story with interviews of a leftwing minister and a radical priest.

ABC, CBS Journalists Celebrate Acceptance of All Religions as Path to Salvation

Theologically informed commentators on CBS and NBC, however, point out the down side of a Pew poll's finding that 70% of Americans believe their faith is not the only way to God.

ABC: Evangelicals 'Buzzing' Over Obama

World News Sunday promotes unprecedented campaign to woo millions and highlights importance of the abortion issue in the process.
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