
CBS's Axelrod: 'All Better Informed' By 'Legendary' Left-Wing Journalist Daniel Schorr

On Saturday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Jim Axelrod reported on the death of former CBS correspondent Daniel Schorr, declaring that he "was an old-school broadcast journalist, he was the last ...

Times Treats As Factual Leftwing Veteran Journalist Daniel Schorr's Nazi Smear of Barry Goldwater

A long obituary for lefty journalist Daniel Schorr treats his Nazi smear of Barry Goldwater as good reporting: "Goldwater had held a grudge since 1964, when Mr. Schorr, while at CBS, reported on ...

Looking Back at Schorr's Goldwater-Nazi Axis CBS Evening News Hit Piece

Daniel Schorr's passing on Friday reminded me of the kind of assaults CBS News unleashed on conservatives before there were any countervailing forums available. A 2001 Weekly Standard article ...

NPR's Schorr: ObamaCare Would 'Save Many Lives,' So Why Fuss Over Aliens?

On Wednesday, NPR "senior news analyst" Daniel Schorr insisted nationalized health care "would save many lives," and all those rumbles from the right about providing taxpayer-subsidized abortions ...
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