
NBC's Lauer to Dan Quayle: Wasn't Romney 'Wrong' and Obama 'Right' on Auto Bailout?

In an interview with former Vice President Dan Quayle on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pushed Quayle to admit that Mitt Romney was wrong to oppose Obama's auto bailout: "[He] said, 'You ...

Like Father Like Son, NBC's Today Show Covers Ben Quayle Like He's a Joke

NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, in a story aired on Friday's Today show, traveled to Arizona to profile Republican Ben Quayle's run for Congress and in the process gave Dan Quayle's son the same sort of ...

ABC Links Dan Quayle's 'Potatoe' to His Son: 'Dust off the Jokes and Hold on to Your Potatoes'

Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC devoted a full report to former Vice President Dan Quayle's son Ben's run for Congress in Arizona, focusing primarily on perceived gaffes by both him and his ...

Andrea Mitchell Gratuitously Drags Up '88 Debate Slam During Quayle Interview

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Friday used an interview with Dan Quayle to gratuitously highlight Lloyd Bentsen's famous 1988 slam, "You're no Jack Kennedy." Although Quayle appeared on the network ...

Wall Street Journal Fails to Identify GOP-Bashing Author as Gay Activist

James Kirchick's column comes straight out of the homosexual political playbook.
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