David Axelrod

Media Research Center

CBS Boosts Obama Advisor David Axelrod's Hit on Mitt Romney

During a news brief on Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Norah O’Donnell promoted David Axelrod, President Obama’s presidential campaign strategist, and his new book in which the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Play Up Robert Gates's 'Devastating Critique' of Obama, Biden

ABC, CBS, and NBC ballyhooed former Defense Secretary Robert Gates's attacks on President Obama and other high government officials on their Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning newscasts. NBC's ...
Media Research Center

Peggy Noonan Interrupts Blackout as Networks Continue to Ignore Abortionist's Trial

The Big Three networks' morning and evening newscasts still haven't covered the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell as of Monday morning. ABC, CBS, and NBC have maintained their coverage blackout ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC, Which Mocked Karl Rove for Signing Up With 'Home Team' Fox, to Now Feature David Axelrod

In 2008, a then-MSNBC host mocked Republican Karl Rove for signing up with the "home team" of Fox News. Yet, on Tuesday it was announced that Democratic senior adviser David Axelrod will be ...
Media Research Center

CBS Touts GOP Talk of Benghazi 'Coverup,' Notes Petraeus Promoted 'Spontaneity' of Violence

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Sharyl Attkisson filed a hard-hitting report on the possible ties between former CIA chief David Petraeus's resignation and the continuing controversy over the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Asks Axelrod Four Questions on Debate, Saves Libya Controversy for Last Question

On Thursday's CBS This Morning, co-hosts Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell waited until the fifth interview question to press Obama adviser David Axelrod about the fiasco in Libya. The question ...
Media Research Center

Transparently Biased Against Disclosure

Team Obama pledges to "hold Romney accountable," but the media display no interest in reviewing Obama's promise to bring "an unpredecented openness" to government.
Media Research Center

NBC Punts on Obama 'Redistribution' Video, but Hammered Romney's '47 Percent' Clip for Days

NBC failed to press Obama adviser David Axelrod over the President's remarks about redistribution on Friday, chucking the story out of its news cycle after two full days. In contrast, the ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Calmes Elevates Liberal 'Fact-Checking': GOP 'Falsehoods' Have 'Reached a Level Not Typically Seen'

Times reporter Jackie Calmes elevates the slanted "fact checkers" of the liberal press in their fight to frame Romney and Ryan as liars: "The partisan operative’s critique was harsh even by the ...
Media Research Center

Bob Schieffer Falsely Claims Ryan Budget 'Really Slashes Into Social Programs'

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Bob Schieffer again forwarded the liberal talking point that GOP vice presidential apparent Paul Ryan's budget plan would drastically cut federal spending. Schieffer ...
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