
Columnist Wars, Round 3: Brooks, Krugman and Bob Herbert Fight Over "Racist" Reagan Claims

Now, paleoliberal Bob Herbert responds to fellow columnist David Brooks' defense of Reagan from left-wing charges of making racist appeals in his 1980 campaign.

Reagan the Racist? David Brooks vs. Paul Krugman, Round 2

Slate picks up on David Brooks' secret attack on Paul Krugman for spreading myths about Reagan and racism.

David Brooks Defends Reagan on Racism, Sinks Bank Shot Against Krugman

Is Paul Krugman reading this? "But still the slur spreads. It's spread by people who, before making one of the most heinous charges imaginable, couldn't even take 10 minutes to look at the evidence."

Andrew Rosenthal: Bush Has "Done Serious Damage to Civil Liberties"

The Times' editorial page editor (pictured here) also says David Brooks is a "conservative," but has no idea where Maureen Dowd stands.
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