During the panel discussion on Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, host David Gregory gushed over President Obama's Friday night address to the nation on the budget deal: "The message was clear. Here ...
In an interview with Democratic Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer on NBC's Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory, filling in for Matt Lauer, asked: "I wonder, as a Democratic leader, whether ...
Picking up on an argument made by economist Mark Zandi - whom the Washington Post described as "an architect of the 2009 stimulus package" - ABC's Christiane Amanpour on Sunday morning, presuming ...
Pivoting off the Chris Lee resignation story NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Friday's Today show, declared it was a "rough week for the Republicans" noting that "they've seen several of their bills ...
NBC's Matt Lauer, on Monday's Today show, feared cooler heads would not prevail in the newly GOP controlled House as he worried that those who've "staked their entire careers and reputation on ...
Nearly 80 percent of the $858 billion "cost" of the tax bill signed by President Obama is from the $675 billion over the next ten years the government would have received if income tax rates were ...
Christine Amanpour spent much of Sunday's This Week arguing with her guests about how taxes must be raised - a theme also echoed on Face the Nation and Meet the Press - as she brought aboard the ...
After NBC called Nevada for Democratic Senator Harry Reid, David Gregory credited his win to Sharron Angle disrespecting journalists, citing how she "made some very unwise decisions, namely, ...
On Friday morning, after airing a full report on the Democratic strategy of painting Republican candidates as "dangerous" and "extreme," CBS's The Early Show co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez seemed ...