The NYT's voice on fiscal policy wants higher taxes on everyone but most importantly, the rich: "The answer is that tax rates almost certainly have to rise more on the affluent than on other ...
The NYT's David Leonhardt writes: "The bill that President Obama signed on Tuesday is the federal government's biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three ...
"The bill that President Obama signed on Tuesday is the federal government's biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three decades ago." You'll never guess ...
David Leonhardt, who supported Obama's pledge to cut taxes for those making under $250,000 in the name of fighting "inequality," today admits your taxes will have to go up "however much you make."
David Leonhardt, the Times conscience on economics issues, celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Obama stimulus while attacking "hard-core skeptics" and pushing for yet another stimulus." The ...
High taxes are a societal imperative, says the Times' economics conscience, David Leonhardt: "And taxes are supposed to rise as a country grows richer."
David Leonhardt uses a small decline in the unemployment rate to shout about the massive government intervention and "stimulus" package: "What if in the end they got it right?"