
Media Research Center

The Real State of the Union: Big Three Networks Covering Up Obama's Failures

By many measures, Barack Obama has left the State of the Union in tatters, but the liberal media, led by the highly rated Big Three network (ABC, CBS, NBC) news shows, have attempted to cover ...

CBS Let 'Biggest Lie of the Year' in Politics Go Unanswered for Months

Tuesday's Early Show on CBS brought on PolitiFact's Bill Adair to reveal what he labeled as the "biggest lie of the year" inside politics, which was "the claim by many Democrats that the ...

CBS's Hill to Norquist: Why Not 'Compromise' More on Taxes?

CBS's Erica Hill urged "conservative activist" Grover Norquist to influence the members of Congress who have signed his no tax hikes pledge to consider raising taxes during an interview on ...

CBS Lets Wasserman Schultz Bash GOP, Omits Her Rosy Economic Spin

CBS's Erica Hill let DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz bash congressional Republicans unopposed on Thursday's Early Show. Hill also failed to ask the Florida Democrat about her eye-opening ...

New DNC Head 'Youngest, Smartest, Funniest, Toughest'; Has 'Fund-Raising Prowess,' 'Legendary...Indefatigability'

Lizette Alvarez gushes over new Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, aka Superwoman: "With her trademark curls, Ms. Wasserman Schultz has long been one of the '-est' girls: ...

Sheriff Civility AKA Chris Matthews Calls Michele Bachmann a 'Nut Case'

Ever since the Tucson shooting, MSNBC's Chris Matthews has been on a tirade accusing conservatives of creating a climate of hate that led to an attempt on Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle ...
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