
NBC's Curry: Do Tea Party Members of Congress 'Know How to Govern'?

In a discussion with Meet the Press host David Gregory and Tom Brokaw on Monday's NBC Today about the debt ceiling deal, co-host Ann Curry contemptuously wondered: " you think that members of ...

The Liberal Media Empire Strikes Back

During Month-Long Debt Talks, Liberal Media Savaged Tea Party Conservatives as Ignorant, Irrational, Irresponsible and Even Terrorists

Zeleny Pronounces 'Both Sides' Are 'Bruised' in Debt Ceiling Deal But Portrays Only Conservatives As 'Intractable' in Preceding Debate

In a front-page news analysis piece this morning, Times national political correspondent Jeff Zeleny pronounced that After [a] Protracted Fight, Both Sides Emerge Bruised. Yet Zeleny's analysis ...

NBC Hosts Fret Obama Had to 'Give In' to GOP With 'Not Balanced' Debt Deal

In an interview with White House advisor David Plouffe on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer worried about liberals being unhappy with the proposal deal on the debt ceiling: "So did the ...

George Stephanopoulos Parrots Lefty Paul Krugman to Hit Obama from the Left on Debt Deal

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Monday hit senior White House advisor David Plouffe from the left, highlighting liberal columnist Paul Krugman's complaints about the debt ceiling ...

CNN's Romans Scolds Dissenting Republicans: 'I'll Tell You Why They're Vilified'

CNN's American Morning co-hosts tried to lecture those opposed to voting to raise the debt ceiling on the error of their ways on Friday morning. When a guest GOP congressman tried to explain why ...

John King Spins for Obama, Praises His Political Smarts In Debt Ceiling Debate

It is one matter if a president stakes out a smart position within a heated political debate, but it is another matter when members of the press believe so and shower him with positive coverage. ...

Networks Deride 'Rebellious' 'Hardline Conservatives' Creating 'Chaos'

On Friday, all three network morning shows played up the theme of stubborn House GOP conservatives opposing Speaker John Boehner's debt ceiling plan. On CBS's Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge ...

20-1: NY Times Continues to Skip Liberal Label in Debt Debate, Highlights 'Recalcitrant Conservatives'

The New York Times' lead story on the debt ceiling debate, Friday, for the second time in three days, featured no liberal labels, but managed to tag "conservatives" five times. This now brings the ...

Fear-Mongering Schieffer Claims Social Security Checks Can't Go Out Without Debt Resolution

On three occasions between July 22 and July 26, 2011, CBS's Bob Schieffer carried water for President Obama when he echoed the Democrat's inaccurate claim about Social Security: "Millions of ...
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