
DeMint: Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman Caucusing with GOP for Control of Senate 'Possible'

U.S. Senator tells CNBC's 'The Kudlow Report' viewers Nelson will have to switch parties to win re-election and Lieberman may be 'more comfortable' with Republicans.

Olbermann, Alter in Denial Over GOP Winning Health Care Debate

MSNBC's own 'Baghdad Bobs' tar Republicans and Olbermann asks why Sen. DeMint hates sick people.

GOP Legislators Vow to Fight Reinstitution of Fairness Doctrine with Introduction of Broadcaster Freedom Act

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.: 'We are not going to allow this rule to be reenacted either by the FCC, by the Obama administration or by Congress.'

GOP Senator Warns of 'Riots' if Automakers Are Bailed Out

Sen. Jim DeMint says unfair union influence and the bailout culture will anger many Americans.
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