4/4/2007 2:18 PM ET
Congress will hike our taxes as many times as they can.
3/20/2007 11:57 AM ET
Presidential candidate promotes carbon caps for business, but carbon 'offsets' for himself.
3/16/2007 2:19 PM ET
'On the Money' couldn't find a Democratic representative to explain why the party wants to raise taxes but did explain why it's a bad idea for the economy.
3/2/2007 4:16 PM ET
Front-page story presents data supporting government-run health insurance, but excludes contrary findings.
2/6/2007 4:33 PM ET
Reporter Jonathan Karl ignores conservatives who point to entitlement spending as real danger to taxpayers.
2/5/2007 7:05 PM ET
The economy is strong, but 'In the Money' panel looks for every negative possibility, pushes liberal talking points.
1/24/2007 3:41 PM ET
Politicians and the media clamor for energy independence but leave out crucial details.
1/11/2007 2:28 PM ET
But fewer than 500,000 make minimum wage, and research shows two-thirds of workers earn more than the minimum within a year of starting their jobs.
1/2/2007 11:39 AM ET
'American Morning's' Ali Velshi pushes liberal talking points on minimum wage.
12/8/2006 3:41 PM ET
Universal health care, one of the first action items for Democrats, pushed by Lou Dobbs.