
Sawyer Defends ABC Health Care Special: 'It is Not an Infomercial'

'Good Morning America' co-host defends special on CNN; calls health care the most important issue.

ABC Promises 'Tough Questions' for Obama in 'Television Event'

Friday's World News carried a 15-second promo for Wednesday night's controversial prime time special, "Questions for the President: Prescription for America." Over video of President Barack Obama, ...

ABC, CBS Grill Obama Aide on Health Care and Government Regulations

ABC and CBS's morning shows on Wednesday both provided surprisingly tough questioning to Christina Romer, one of Barack Obama's economic advisors. On the issue of health care, Good Morning America ...

ABC Bashes U.S. Maternity Leave Policies: Again Links Them to Swaziland, Liberia

On Tuesday's Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer complained about America's maternity leave policies for women, and for the fourth time in slightly more than two years, the show connected them to ...

On ABC, Billionaire Pete Peterson Calls for Health Care Sacrifice

'Good Morning America' lets the tough questions go.

ABC Global Warming Special Makes Up Future, But It's Not 'Sci-Fi'

'Good Morning America' promotes going green and 'a different kind of journalism.'

Media: Tiller a Martyr, Abortion Not Killing and Pro-Lifers are Crazy

In reporting his murder, networks and blogs paint late-term abortionist Tiller as courageous defender of women.

After Doctor's Murder, ABC Says: 'The Abortion Debate Turns Deadly'

ABC's Monday morning coverage of the slaying of a Kansas abortionist skirted over the fact that pro-life groups had condemned the killing but did feature the preposterous claim by co-host Diane ...

ABC Minimizes 'Liberal' Label for Sotomayor; Used 'Conservative' for Alito Frequently

ABC News didn't use any labels such as liberal or progressive to describe Judge Sonia Sotomayor during its Tuesday morning coverage of her nomination to the Supreme Court. On the other hand, when ...
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