Opening Tuesday's World News with the workplace shooting in Manchester, Connecticut, anchor Diane Sawyer saw it as one in a long line of incidents involving a "worker with a gun and grudge" as she ...
Democratic New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's theatrical temper tantrum rant on the House floor Thursday night, against supposed Republican obstructionism, animated cable news on Friday and ...
"Anger in the streets and we're there for the protests," ABC anchor Diane Sawyer teased in making reaction from a few opposed to Arizona's immigration enforcement efforts her top story on Thursday ...
Less than two days before Arizona's immigration enforcement law is scheduled to go into effect, ABC delivered another installment in the national media's efforts to discredit it and paint the law ...
Diane Sawyer, Bill Weir fill report with anti-business sentiment; Mark Zuckerberg says 'when you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.'
ABC and CBS last week jumped to advance the NAACP's charge of racism within the Tea Party movement. On Tuesday night, however, the newscasts had a sudden concern for the accuracy of the racism ...
"Fear Factor," Diane Sawyer teased Thursday night in picking up a cause-celebre of the left: "Who leaked a list of people labeled illegal immigrants, naming children and pregnant women? Are these ...
ABC touted the NAACP's charge that the "Tea Party movement is a threat to the pursuit of human rights, justice and equality for all." Sans any ideological label, anchor Diane Sawyer set up the ...
"For the first time, Americans got to see the woman President Obama called a 'trailblazer' in action," ABC anchor Diane Sawyer trumpeted Tuesday night before Jonathan Karl framed his story on ...