Atlanta bureau chief Kim Severson mocks Mississippians: "To that end, the people who
govern the state with the highest rate of obesity in the nation have
passed a bill saying that any law that ...
Reporter Sabrina Tavernise went back for refills to bolster the nanny state: "But critics say efforts to
influence behavior will have only a modest effect without policy
measures like taxes on ...
On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller lectured Americans on their diet: "According to Consumer Reports Health, many Americans are simply deluding themselves, most say they ...
The paper's left-wing "Ethicist" columnist calls for a crackdown on candy jars in the office: "Snacking might be defended as a personal choice, but it's tough to stay cake-free amid a permanent ...
The Times' Kim Severson brings the nanny-state approach to the school snack bar, celebrating the fight against "the mountain of high-calorie snacks and sodas available to schoolchildren."