In a pathetic display of adulation for a Democratic "star," CNN aired a
total puff piece about the keynote speaker for the upcoming Democratic
National Convention, San Antonio Mayor Julian ...
On Friday's NBC Today, after touting an ad from the Democratic National Committee attacking Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital by using sound bites from his Republican opponents, co-host Matt ...
The DNC will release an ad to air in D.C. this weekend based on a profile of Mitch McConnell pitching the Senate minority leader as an Obama-care obstructionist.
The Hill reports: "In a memo to a broad group of Democratic lawmakers, communications staff and party strategists obtained by The Hill, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Communications Director ...
Advice for reporter Katharine Seelye: If pro-Obama "grassroots advocates" are operating "under the aegis of the Democratic National Committee," they aren't really "grassroots advocates."