
Soros Event Sets in Motion New Attacks on Dollar

Bretton Woods conference accelerates push for new world currency.

The Speech I Skipped

Even without listening it was clear the president would call for more spending, more government and more taxes.

CNBC's Santelli: Tea Party Popularity 'Dollar-Friendly'

Network's Mercantile reporter explains strength of 'Tea Party' movement makes congressional gridlock more likely, slowing government spending and propping up the dollar.

Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis; Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

Host Beck says left, media would blame right for 'any kind of violence.'

Investor Warns Dollar Rally Coming to an End

President of Euro Pacific Capital tells CNBC's 'Fast Money' recent rally in U.S. dollar unsustainable, will soon collapse.

CBS, NBC Fawn Over Obama, Ignore GPD Boost

ABC reports swifter than expected growth, but reminds viewers 'dollar is so weak.'

ABC Revs Up Criticism of Car Rental Gasoline Fees

'Good Morning America' criticizes penalty for drivers who break rental rules.

Fineman: 'Just Like the Dollar is Weak, American Media is Weak'

Newsweek senior Washington correspondent notes globalization of press has led to a weaker American mainstream media.

CNN Reports Oil and Gas Price Fears, Ignores Market Dynamics

'American Morning's' Velshi cites poll of consumer worries but fails to report variables that have led to the rise and recent fall of oil prices.

Econ 101: What does 'Recession' Mean?

We don't even know we've been in one until we're out.
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