
CNN Convicts Palin and Tea Partiers of 'Inciting Violence' and Stoking Racism

CNN put "INCITING VIOLENCE?" on screen under video of Sarah Palin as anchor Don Lemon announced: "Sarah Palin takes on one of the highest ranking Democrats right in his own backyard, all while ...

CNN Seeks Out Stimulus 'Believer' Cited by President Obama

On Saturday's Newsroom, CNN's Don Lemon deferentially took President Obama's advice and interviewed a stimulus "skeptic" turned "believer," whom the Democrat cited as an example of the success of ...

CNN's Lothian: Nobel Prize an 'A' for Effort, Could Help with Health Care

CNN's Dan Lothian, on Friday morning, saw nothing but pluses for President Obama's reception of the Nobel Peace Prize. Lothian guessed Obama "obviously is getting an 'A' for effort here," and even ...

CNN Zeroes-In on 'Dark Undercurrent' of Tea Parties

CNN's Jim Spellman did his best to paint the participants of the Tea Party Express's rallies across the nation as a bunch of extremists on Saturday's Newsroom. Spellman played clips which ...

CNN's Lemon Praises Maher for Raising Anti-Obama Racism: 'Finally Someone's Talking About This'

Bill Maher is setting the news agenda for CNN. Literally. CNN anchor Don Lemon rued "town hallers yelling at lawmakers" and those "refusing to let kids hear the commander in chief. And on and on ...

CNN Anchor: 'Elitist' to Disdain Overcoverage of Michael Jackson

CNN daytime anchor Don Lemon asserted on Sunday's Reliable Sources that claims that the media are overcovering Michael Jackson are "elitist." He twice saluted Jackson as an "accidental civil ...
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