
Networks Cheer Obama 'Channeling Teddy' Roosevelt, Attacking 'Grinch-Like' GOP 'Misers'

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, White House correspondent Bill Plante hyped an upcoming speech by President Obama: "The President is going to Osawatomie, Kansas....where former President Teddy ...

Douglas Brinkley on CBS: President 'On A Roll' With ObamaCare Before 'Inconvenience' of Oil Spill

Discussing the Gulf oil spill on Saturday's CBS Evening News, liberal historian Douglas Brinkley fretted over President Obama's left-wing agenda being in jeopardy: "...he was on a roll with the ...

CNN's Cooper: It's 'Stunning' Obama Let Oil Leak Become 'Katrina in Slow Mo'

CNN's Anderson Cooper first defended the Obama administration's initial response to the Gulf oil leak and then criticized him from the left on Tuesday's AC360: "A month ago, it seemed like the ...

MSNBC's Matthews Whines: 'Right-Wing Crap' On Best Seller List

While concluding a segment on racism involved in anti-Obama protests, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews promoted the book of one of his guests, liberal historian Douglas Brinkley, and proceeded ...

CBS Historian Douglas Brinkley: Ted Kennedy A 'Martyr' for ObamaCare

During the 2:00AM ET hour of CBS's Up to the Minute on Wednesday, shortly after news broke of Senator Ted Kenney's death, historian Douglas Brinkley exclaimed the Massachusetts Democrat was: ...
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