
Lauer Prosecutes 'The People vs. Exxon' in CEO Interview

'Today' host repeats popular but faulty criticisms of oil companies in one-on-one with ExxonMobil head.

CNN Wonders 'What If' Oil Hit $200 a Barrel

Segment features speculation by reporter and 'peak oil' analyst, with no counter-arguments from today's reality.

'Nightly News': 36 Miles a Gallon Not Quite Good Enough

Gas mileage of the Smart Car doesn't impress anchor Lester Holt, says 'it should be getting 50 to 60 miles a gallon.'

Morning Show Uses Thanksgiving Travel to Call High Gas Prices 'Highway Robbery'

CNN's 'American Morning' frames story on gas prices as if oil companies are stealing from consumers.

'GMA' Celebrates Anniversary Bragging about Carbon-Belching Travels

Supposedly environmentally-conscious crew fails to realize the enormous hypocrisy of the carbon footprint they left behind.

Journalists Give Viewers the High Test on Gas

Reporters drive price predictions to $4 a gallon and higher, and hope no one remembers they've been wrong before.

CBS and ABC Misreport 'Record' Gas Prices, Again

Both evening newscasts use faulty math to hype rising pump costs.
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