
Media Research Center

Networks Combine for Two Minutes on Fall of Yemen’s Government; Spend 11 Minutes on Deflategate

On Thursday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC each covered the news that the United States-backed government in Yemen had fallen after rebels stormed the capital city of Sana’a and ...
Media Research Center

Flashback: Droned U.S. Citizen Once ‘Moderate Islam’s’ Media Darling

Al Awlaki was called ‘bridge-builder’ between Islam and West.
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Stunning Revelation' That Drones Were Used Inside U.S., Forgets That It Covered This in February

ABC's Good Morning America on Thursday deemed the admission by the FBI that they have used drones inside America to be a "stunning revelation." Yet, news reader Josh Elliott somehow managed to ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Brokaw Blames U.S. Drone Attacks for Motivating Islamic Terrorists

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, special correspondent Tom Brokaw used a discussion on the Boston Marathon bombings to argue more broadly that the "roots" of anti-American terrorism across the ...
Media Research Center

NYT Puts Rand Filibuster on a Slant: Embraced by 'Liberal Activists and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorists'

The Times is a little dismissive about fear of state power, at least with Obama in the White House: "The debate goes to the heart of a deeply rooted American suspicion about the government, the ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Buries Sen. Paul's Filibuster, While Wash Post Carries Two Full News Stories

Republican Sen. Rand Paul's filibuster on Attorney General Eric Holder's refusal to rule out drone strikes against U.S. citizens was absent from the front page of the New York Times. The ...
Media Research Center

The New York Times and National Security Secrets: Obama vs. Bush

News that the New York Times and Washington Post kept secret until recently the secret U.S. drone base in Saudi Arabia is once again raising questions on the paper's politicized double ...
Media Research Center

The New York Times and National Security Secrets: Obama vs. Bush

News that the New York Times and Washington Post kept secret until recently the secret U.S. drone base in Saudi Arabia is once again raising questions on the paper's politicized double ...
Media Research Center

The Blackout Continues: CBS Evening News Again Ignores Obama Drone Strikes

For the second day in a row, the CBS Evening News on Wednesday avoided any coverage of a new memo revealing that the Obama administration asserts the power to legally strike terrorists, even if ...
Media Research Center

New York Times (Gently) Nails Obama's Hypocrisy on Targeted Killings

The New York Times kind of, sort of, accuses Barack Obama of double standards over secrecy in the war on terror: "Early in his first term, President Obama rejected the vehement protests of the ...
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