
Enough Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'

Media use Michael Moore's new film to fuel campaign for socialized health care in America.

Networks Dramatize Diabetes Drug Dangers

ABC, CBS and NBC emphasize the potential for complications and death from Avandia, despite calls from study's author to exercise discretion.

ABC and CBS Give No Credit to Novartis

Evening broadcasts praise 'promising' drug for osteoporosis without naming the manufacturer.

CBS Pushes for More FDA Regulation

Two reports advocate expanded power and budget for both food and drug side of organization.

Student Loan Providers 'Sound Like Drug Companies,' CNN Reporter Scolds

'In the Money' report drags several industries through the mud while pushing for more government control of student loans.

'60 Minutes' Uses 13 of Its Minutes to Back Drug Regulation

CBS attacks drug companies, fails to explain impact price controls would have on the market.

Cancer Drug, But Not Drug Company, Praised By Networks

ABC, CBS, NBC discuss 'lifesaver' drug but never mention its maker.

Prescription For Bias

Networks Downplay Drug Costs, Treat Medicine as Entitlement

Prescription For Bias: Executive Summary

Networks Downplay Drug Costs, Treat Medicine as Entitlement

Networks Use Good Cancer News to Complain About Federal Funding Levels

ABC, CBS, and NBC also ignore role private industry plays in fighting war on cancer.
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