
This Is Your Nurse On Drugs

Showtime's new series "Nurse Jackie" is a noxious brew of drugs, adultery, lying, thieving, and anti-religious sentiment. But The New Yorker squealed it "actually tastes good."

NYT Still Running Bad Gun Number

The Times again wrongly suggests that 90 percent of guns used by Mexican drug dealers come from the United States.

Seedy "Rent" for High Schoolers? Sure, Why Not

Patrick Healy's story featuring the heroic Ron Martin, high school drama teacher extraordinaire: "This is the first time I've chosen a show for the high school because I had an agenda. In this ...

Life on the Straight Edge

Biden Stances on Busing, Drug Offenses Repackaged as Racial Controversies

Hitting Joe Biden from the left on two dubious "race" issues.

American Teens Heavily Involved in Sex, Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking

Adolescents commonly engage in self-destructive, character-damaging behavior.

It's Still All Reagan's Fault

Eric Eckholm on two studies of the drug war: "More than two decades after President Ronald Reagan escalated the war on drugs, arrests for drug sales or, more often, drug possession are still rising."

The Times Squeezes Juice out of Hillary Campaign's Panicky Attack on Obama

A top Hillary adviser not so slyly brought up Democratic rival Barack Obama's past drug use in an interview with the Washington Post, but the Times buried in on page 35.

The New Nicole Richie -- Self-Proclaimed Role Model

ABC asks tough questions about drug abuse, but not about marrying the father of her child.

Sowing Front-Page Suspicions of Big Pharma

Is the drug industry the Times' next target? Front-page stories on consecutive days suggest so.
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