
CBS: Even With Susan Boyle 'Warm-Up Act' Pope Still Couldn't Pull In A Big Enough Crowd

Reporting on Pope Benedict's visit to the UK on Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Mark Phillips noted how 65,000 people attended a Thursday outdoor mass in Scotland, but observed: "...it was ...

CBS's Smith: Tea Party and Palin Could Bring GOP to 'Edge of the Abyss'

Appearing on Friday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer continued to compare the rise of the tea party and possible candidacy of Sarah Palin in 2012 to the 1964 campaign of Barry ...

CBS 'Early Show': Pope's Visit to UK Source of 'Criticism' and 'Controversy'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill teased a report on Pope Benedict's visit to Scotland: "...it's a rather controversial visit for a number of reasons." Later, ...

CBS: Americans Support Dem Economic Policies, Just Upset With Incumbents

While acknowledging bad news for Democrats in the latest CBS News/New York Times poll on Thursday's CBS Early Show, White House correspondent Bill Plante worked to find a silver lining: "But when ...

CBS's Smith: Is GOP Making 'Miscalculation' At Their Own 'Peril' By Supporting Tea Party?

Talking to Republican strategist Dan Bartlett on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith wondered if the electoral success of the tea party could harm the GOP: "Are all of these tea party ...

CBS Analyst Marks 9/11 By Hoping for 'Backlash' Against Ground Zero Mosque Opponents

On the September 11th Saturday Early Show, CBS News Middle East analyst Reza Aslan slammed opponents of the Ground Zero mosque as having "unapologetically politicized" 9/11 and being part of a ...

CBS: 'Controversial Tea Party Candidate' In Favor of Abstinence, Against Porn

In a report on the Republican senate primary in Delaware on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes portrayed tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell's conservative social views as ...

CBS Early Show Promotes Palin-Bashing Vanity Fair Article

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill interviewed Vanity Fair reporter Michael Joseph Gross about his article slamming Sarah Palin with outlandish accusations: "...we've watched ...

CBS's Smith Excuses Obama For Not Crediting Bush With Iraq Troop Surge

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith served as an apologist for President Obama, who failed to credit President George W. Bush with the Iraq troop surge in an Oval Office address ...

ABC, CBS: Did 'Heightened Fear and Prejudice' of Ground Zero Mosque Prompt NYC Violence?

ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Early Show on Thursday both speculated as to whether the stabbing of a New York City cabbie was prompted by a climate of anti-Islamic anger. At the same time, ...
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