East Germany

Media Research Center

25 Years After the Berlin Wall, How the News Media Covered Communism

Looking back at journalism’s track record on communism, one finds a press that was too willing to act as a mouthpiece for the world’s worst dictatorships, and too accepting of the perverse claim ...
Media Research Center

Another Strange Communism Headline from NYTimes: 'Summoning Halcyon Days of Failed Ideals' in East Germany

Dictatorship and double standards invade the New York Times once again. Check the headline over Dennis Lim's Sunday Arts & Leisure profileof the director of "Barbara," set in Communist ...
Media Research Center

Another Strange Communism Headline from the NYTimes: 'Summoning Halcyon Days Of Failed Ideals' in East Germany

Dictatorship and double standards invade the New York Times once again. The Times also ran this jaw-dropping headline over a 2008 book review: "East Germany Had Its Charms, Crushed by ...
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