
Media Research Center

The Sequel

Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory: Obama Must Tell Voters 'Things Got Really, Really Bad' Under Bush

Appearing on Friday's NBC Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory advised the Obama campaign on how defeat Mitt Romney: "What the President's got to do is say, 'Hey, don't forget about George W. ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Welcomes Democratic Mayor But Belittles Romney Advisor

While CNN's Soledad O'Brien tossed softballs at Democratic Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, she was not so kind to her Republican guest during the next hour, on Thursday's ...
Media Research Center

Networks Barely Discuss ‘Hidden’ Jobless, That Even WaPo, CNN Notice

ABC, CBS and NBC ignore lower labor force in 82 percent of stories.
Media Research Center

Doing Fine

Media Research Center

NBC's Curry Argues Obama's 'Fine' Gaffe 'Taken Out of Context'

Straining to find a way to excuse President Obama's Friday remark that "the private sector is doing fine," on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry did her best to spin for the White House: ...
Media Research Center

How Dare They: GOP 'Hijacked the News Cycle' to Exploit Obama's 'Six Words' on Private Sector 'Doing Fine,' Says NYT's Calmes

Jackie Calmes' "Six Words From Obama, and a Barrage in Return From Republicans" hints strongly that the Republicans are unfairly exploiting President Obama's gaffe that "the private sector is ...
Media Research Center

Slow and Steady?

Media Research Center

After Three Years, It's Still Not His Fault: NYT's Calmes, Krugman Lament Economic Recovery Out of Obama's Hands

Poor President Obama; after over three years in office, he is still helpless as a newborn when it comes to changing the economy for the better. Times reporter Jackie Calmes: "Yet his proposed ...
Media Research Center

ABC Botches Jobs Report: Touts Incorrect, Obama-Favorable Unemployment Numbers

Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Friday reported incorrect jobs numbers, touting stats more favorable to Barack Obama and less reflective of the dismal facts. In the 8am hour, news ...
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