
Happy Birthday: Obama Gives Himself 3,200 Reasons to Celebrate

President talks 39 times more about himself than he does the debt.

NBC's Curry Warns Minuscule Spending Cuts in Debt Deal Could Harm Economy

Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer blamed the debt ceiling standoff for stocks falling on Wall Street: "All people can talk about is the whole slow down that ...

Top Newspapers Warn Debt Deal's Spending Cuts Will 'Weaken' and 'Undermine' Economy

Remarkable uniformity amongst some major national newspapers on Tuesday as they simultaneously worried about how the supposed spending "cuts" in the debt-ceiling deal will harm the economy. As USA ...

CNN's Lemon Peppers Rand Paul With Dem Talking Points After Asking Paul to Leave Talking Points Out of Interview

After asking Tea Party favorite Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to discard his talking points and be frank on the debt ceiling issue, CNN's Don Lemon repeatedly interrupted the senator, and even lectured ...

CNN's Romans Scolds Dissenting Republicans: 'I'll Tell You Why They're Vilified'

CNN's American Morning co-hosts tried to lecture those opposed to voting to raise the debt ceiling on the error of their ways on Friday morning. When a guest GOP congressman tried to explain why ...

John King Spins for Obama, Praises His Political Smarts In Debt Ceiling Debate

It is one matter if a president stakes out a smart position within a heated political debate, but it is another matter when members of the press believe so and shower him with positive coverage. ...

Anderson Cooper Cherry Picks Poll Info to Disgrace Republicans

In a critical "Keeping Them Honest" segment Wednesday night, CNN's Anderson Cooper selectively reported findings from his network's own poll to bolster his argument that Republicans are ...

To Ann Curry's Surprise, CNBC's Jim Cramer Rejects Obama Fearmongering

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry touted President Obama trying to scare the American people into supporting his debt ceiling plan: "He called for public activism, so much so that we hear ...

CNN Ignores Poll Results Showing Strong Support for 'Cut, Cap, and Balance'

Reporting results from its newly-released poll Thursday, CNN emphasized answers showing the majority of respondents favoring compromise on the debt ceiling debate, as well as raising the debt ...

Snarky Ali Velshi Batters Grover Norquist Over Debt Ceiling Pledge

On his Saturday show Your Money, CNN host Ali Velshi tried to pin the blame for the debt ceiling standoff on one man ' the president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist. "Are you the ...
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