Ed Henry

Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Obama’s Shaky Footing on Publishing Depictions of Muhammad

On Wednesday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the contradicting statements made by President Obama in condemning the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris as ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Continue to Omit Coverage of Report Alleging WH Role in Prostitution Scandal

According to a report in The Washington Post, senior White House officials knew that an individual with the White House advance team had a prostitute spend the night with him as part of the 2012 ...
Media Research Center

PBS Promotes Obama’s Claim Economy Is Improved ‘By Every Economic Measure’; Lou Dobbs Proves Otherwise

Following President Obama’s speech on the economy on Thursday, the PBS NewsHour offered a 48-second news brief on the subject, in which co-anchor Gwen Ifill offered no opposing viewpoint to the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Dodge Obama Linking ISIS Terror, Unrest in Ukraine to Events in Ferguson

During his speech to the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly on Wednesday, President Barack Obama made a striking, unusual and ridiculous comparison between the reign of terror taking place in ...
Media Research Center

Obama, Spiked For His Own Good?

Obama barely noticed, but there was a horrific mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday. He blasted away at the Tea Party, but the networks skipped it.
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