Ed Rendell

Media Research Center

CNN, CNBC and MSNBC Push Infrastructure Funding After Amtrak Accident

Cable networks use tragedy to push budget agenda before official cause of crash determined.
Media Research Center

As Gas Prices Tumble, Ed Rendell Calls for Tax Hikes

Democratic former governor tells CNBC it is time to raise federal gas tax.
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Members Slam Bachmann and GOP 'Haters'

As MSNBC's Al Sharpton hosted a panel on Wednesday's PoliticsNation to discuss Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann's retirement, MSNBC analyst Karen Finney claimed that Bachmann never had ...
Media Research Center

Ed Rendell on MSNBC: Boosting Gun Control is the 'Good Thing' About Sandy Hook

Former Democratic Governor Ed Rendell channeled Piers Morgan on Friday's Now with Alex Wagner program on MSNBC. Rendell even upped the ante, claiming that there was a positive side to the Newtown, ...
Media Research Center

Morning Newscasts Still Skipping Obama Supporters' Cancer Death Ad

On Thursday morning, the Big Three continued their complete blackout on the controversy surrounding a pro-Obama super PAC's new ad that points the finger at Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death. ...
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