
Before Taking Fox News Gig, Ed Henry Backed Network in Face of Left-Wing Detractors

Ed Henry's heated exchange Tuesday with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney as Fox News' newly-minted senior White House correspondent reminded NewsBusters of times when Henry, as a CNN ...

Rick Sanchez Again Hints That Fox News is Not a Legitimate News Outlet

CNN's Rick Sanchez again hinted that Fox News wasn't a legitimate news organization during his Rick's List program on Monday. When colleague Ed Henry mentioned that several news outlets were ...

CNN's Henry Sees Obama Moment on Beach that Would've Driven Media Mockery of Bush

Shortly before 2 PM CDT, CNN"s Ed Henry cited a dismissive remark President Barack Obama made during his visit to Louisiana which could undermine his "I feel your pain" message, "but," Henry ...

Nets Highlight Obama's Hug at Health Forum; CNN: 'Bold Display of Presidential Concern'

Network reporters swooned over President Barack Obama hugging a woman, who has cancer and lacks insurance, at his Wednesday "town hall" on health care, as both CNN - where Suzanne Malveaux ...

Obama Fiddles with Our Ability to be a 'Rich Man'

Millionaire media stars get their wish as president goes after wealthy CEOs while filling D.C. with his own czars.

CNN Correspondent Jabs President on FOCA, 'Above My Pay Grade' Answer

Ed Henry shows the Obama-fied press corps how to challenge a public official.

Media Hails Senate Confirmation of Health Secretary to Combat Swine Flu; Downplays to Her Late-Term Abortion Support

Media ignores Homeland Security's lead role responding to virus, maintains Sebelius needed combat it.

CNN's 'AC360' Highlights Obama Waffling on Jobs

Ed Henry says President moved 'goal post' for job creation again.
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