
Porter Latest NYT Staffer to Hail OWS's Fight Against Inequality

Reporter turned editorial board member Eduardo Porter: "Occupiers of Zuccotti Park and other sites around the country have been criticized for the fuzziness of their goals. Their complaint that ...

Former Reporter Whines U.S. 'Least Generous' Industrial Nation - But He Means Social Programs

Eduardo Porter, former Times economics reporter turned editorial board member, whines about America's lack of "generosity and compassion," which he dubiously defines as America's relatively low ...

Influential Times Editor Calls Anti-Tax Protesters "Tea-Baggers"

Plus: Thomas Friedman Praises Communist China for Getting Things Done

Eduardo Porter, Past Econ. Reporter, Takes on "Plutocrats" & Hails Nader's Silly Lefty Novel

Liberal Times economic reporter turned ultra-liberal editorialist Eduardo Porter unleashes his left-wing envy and wonders why life can't be more like Ralph Nader's new novel.

"Robber Baron" Transforms Into "Shrewd Businessman" After Loan to NYT

Carlos Slim, described in 2007 as a "thief" and "robber baron" by a Times editorial writer, is now "a very shrewd businessman with an appreciation for great brands," according to the paper's ...

An Economic Reporter's Wacky Idea of Utopia: Let Government Spend Even More

Eduardo Porter: "But philanthropy allows [Americans] to target spending on those they personally believe are deserving, instead of allowing the government to choose....Politicians, from Richard ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2007 - The NYT's Worst Quotes of the Year

Last year, there was a clear favorite (Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.'s liberal rant at a college commencement address), but this year brings a split decision, with our three Times-dissecting ...

Proud Atheist Compares Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Adulterers to GOP on Gays

Eduardo Porter: "Belief in God too often spawns reasons to punish sinners - 'adulterers' in Saudi Arabia, gays for some Republican presidential candidates."

Tax Hike A Path to Greater Happiness, Suggests Former Economics Reporter

Eduardo Porter: "If growing incomes are not increasing happiness, perhaps we should tax incomes more to force us to devote less time and energy to the endeavor and focus instead on the more ...

Which Way Is It?

Is global inequality increasing or not? The Times can't decide.
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