
'Nightly News' Uses Anecdotal Evidence to Condemn Reverse Mortgages

Report contends elderly Hispanic woman who 'trusts people' was duped into agreeing to reverse mortgage's terms.

Hillary's Social Security Solution: Stop Funding 'Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and the War in Iraq'

Democratic presidential candidate Clinton already proposed rolling back Bush tax cuts to fund her health care proposal.

Life Expectancy Increasing or Decreasing, Depending on What Day It Is

ABC 'World News' reports Americans living longer, but May 2006 report cited study warning of declining life expectancy.

AARP Quest for Health Care 'Leverage' Doesn't Bother New York Times

Group's move toward health insurance is controversial, but reporter Robert Pear only talks with AARP execs and allies.

CBS Downplays Costs, Advocates Company's 'Elder Care' Benefits

'Evening News' says cost is 'just $15 a day,' urges workers to ask for more benefits.
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