
CNN Says End is Near for Middle Class

"In the Money" promo for liberal group reinforces middle-class extinction theories.

CNN's Lou Dobbs Beats Election War Drums for Bigger Government

Anchor insists he has a problem with both parties, but his new book and town hall special confirm he favors bigger government to rescue workers "struggling to hold on to the American Dream."

'Bad News Bears'

How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush

Econ 101: It Pays to Be Ignorant

Dr. Gary Wolfram explains why it's actually rational to be an uninformed voter.

Media Ignore OPEC's 'Toying' with Oil Output

Weeks ago, CNN's Jack Cafferty pushed theory that oil company execs were driving prices down.

Curses, Foiled Again by Another Oil Conspiracy Theory

CNN's Cafferty claims industry is dropping prices to help Republicans win mid-term elections.

CNN 'In the Money' Drops Conspiracy Theory When Interviewing Oil Analyst

Yet a week before, the business news program entertained Jack Cafferty's theory on Republican control of gas prices.

Summer Rerun: Executive Summary

Global Warming Movie Makes the Media Hot for Al Gore All Over Again

Media Pessimism Loses in Iraq

Election Triumph Belies Network Naysayers

Strong Turnout by Iraqi Voters and Relative Calm Contradict Many Journalists' Pessimistic Predictions
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