1/9/2012 7:00 PM ET
Only CBS reports GM's sneaky campaign to fix media hyped electric car.
2/10/2011 9:45 PM ET
Broadcast news emphasizes industry accidents nearly 80 percent of the time; ignore EPA and Obama attacks on U.S. industry.
11/4/2010 12:01 PM ET
We've been down these roads before, in lousy electric cars.
8/8/2007 5:15 PM ET
Hybrids still cost more and can have repair problems, but media coverage stays positive.
2/28/2007 2:23 PM ET
Uber-left would rather take out a dam than give one about America's energy future.
2/23/2007 4:57 PM ET
USA Today reports hybrid cars get fewer mpg than previously thought.
9/11/2006 3:54 PM ET
Report contrasts with CBS's earlier cheerleading for a similar plan in California.
8/4/2006 2:47 PM ET
But energy experts point to regulation as the cause for existing problems.